Product code
F919SC Biofilm Remover and Heavy Duty Degreaser is an alkaline heavy-duty cleanser with an emulsifying action for removing heavy soiling, protein, fat and natural oil deposits from hard surfaces safely. It also incorporates a wetting agent for effective coverage and a soil suspension agent to facilitate easy removal.- high alkaline degreaser with emulsifing and lifting agents. Removal of biofilm is important to ensure no pathogen build up occcurs where disinfectants cannot penetrate.
- Alkaline blend of surfactants plus sequesterants and detergents, buffered for optimal activity.
- Emulsifying action for removing heavy soiling, protein, fats, natural oil deposits as well as biofilm from hard surfaces and equipment.
- Safe to use on all surfaces and equipment.
- Non-corrosive, non-caustic, easy to use, no special protective clothing required.
- Mechanism of action is not reliant upon a mechanical brushing/scrubbing action, but interacts chemically with the organic film to release it from the surface and take it up into suspension where it can be washed away. The clean surface can then be effectively disinfected.
- DAFF approved for meat export processing facilities
- Holds SABS Mark 1344 and 1828 (EU Food Industry Approval).
- Free rinsing and water soluble.
- Applications (can be used as regular cleaning or as a less frequent deep clean)
- -Hard surfaces in medical and veterinary facilities
- -Animal Housing
- -Pipelines and drains
- -Tubing (e.g. ET Tubes, anaesthetic tubes)